Instagram is just so full of supportive people!

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It’s been a fulfilling October

I’ve realized recently just how much I benefit from this creative and art-loving community. I joined Instagram to provide myself with a framework for showing work consistently to the world in a form of my personal magazine. Now I see I’m getting so much more out of it.

I keep meeting a variety of unique creators and art lovers who inspire me and I’m getting this beautiful, warm, supporting feedback which I’ve actually used several times to get back on track when I felt doubts about my work and when I doubted myself.⠀

I want to say THANK YOU to all of you! We might be very different from each other, living different lives in different places in the world but I feel we share a precious something!

Look at these Instagram profiles, there are precious people behind them!


@ankonmitra @fungandbedford @sonobelight @strictlypaperart @philbailey__ @tomas_padros @tonyblackmoreart @judithandrolfe @jackychengart @abhinav.m.n @alia_bright @katealterio

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